We provide broad functions for material development, supply of the products, enforcement of the housing and industrial sectors.

Contribution to the disaster prevention technologies and the development of natural resources around the world

Contribution to the disaster prevention technologies and the development of natural resources around the world

We contribute to the society with exporting our disaster prevention technologies, construction machinery for natural resources development, metal products, testing machinery, etc.

Developing high-performance products to provide comfortable living environment

Developing high-performance products to provide comfortable living environment

For apartments and condominium, as fabless manufacturer, we develop and sell high-performance architectural hardware with superior design such as parcel delivery lockers in order to support people's livelihood.
Also, taking advantage of trading company, we import high-performance building materials like glasses for resales in Japan.

Supporting people's livelihood and providing convenient and comfortable products

Supporting people's livelihood and providing convenient and comfortable products

We provide casting products and brush products which are indispensable for our lives.
Also, we support people's livelihood through real estate management and brokerage, and many types of insurance services.


Disaster preventing consultation

Disaster preventing consultation

With integration of Japanese top-notch disaster prevention technology, we offer various consulting services such as hazard analysis, proposal of countermeasures and sell the related machinery and materials.

Construction machinery

Construction machinery

We export the construction machineries manufactured by Japanese top producer for large-scale construction projects such as harbor constructions, dam buildings, tunnel excavations, mine developments etc.


Metal processed products

We manufacture and import quality casting products such as pipe fittings and valve parts in Southeast Asia for resales to our customers in Japan.

Household related materials

Household related materials

We supply wide range of brush materials for daily teeth brushes and industrial brushes. With our development and design capability, we also develop various types of teeth brushes and export our original teeth brushes.


Ball bearings

As well as standard types, we offer high-functional and special ball bearings to provide the solution for users' technical problems. For example, we provide ball bearings with special size, configuration, special materials or special surface treatment for special applications such as extreme conditions, i.e. vacuum or high temperature.

Instruments & Test Equipment

Instruments & Test Equipment

Instruments & test equipment to ensure reliability of the products is always required in every industry around the world where research and development are conducted. and also these needs are expanding more diverse. In order to fit such a wide range of needs, we offer various types of instruments & test equipment that works for such needs expanding more diversely.

Architectural hardware and materials

Architectural hardware and materials

We help you make your livings more secure and comfortable by offering our architectural hardware products which are necessary for your daily livings, such as drying poles for balcony, mail boxes, parcel delivery lockers, air venting parts, and products for barrier-free spaces and also building materials like high-performance glasses such as high transparency glasses.

Real estate business

Real estate business

Based upon reliance as the listed company, we provide comprehensive services to meet various real estate needs not only for companies but also for individuals, such as mediations, brokerage, rental services, managements, maintenance, and consulting.

Insurance agency

Insurance agency

For development and stability of our customers' business, we have been providing the insurance agent services since 1949, over a half of a century ago. Today we provide accident insurances, medical insurances and cancer insurances for individuals, and also life insurances for companies and those owners.


Industrial Products Division

Industrial Products Division

Consulting and materials supply related to disaster prevention
Export of construction machinery
Sales of casting products
Sales of filaments and brush products
Sales of household products and related materials

  • Kobe
    TEL:+81-78-392-6988 / FAX:+81-78-332-1620
  • Tokyo
    TEL:+81-3-5462-7520 / FAX:+81-3-5462-7538

Industrial Hardware & Instruments Division

Industrial Hardware & Instruments Division

Export of ball bearings
Export of instruments & test equipment and sensors

  • Kobe
    TEL:+81-78-392-6965 / FAX:+81-78-332-1620
  • Tokyo
    TEL:+81-3-5462-7520 / FAX:+81-3-5462-7538

Shinyei Home Create Co., Ltd.

Shinyei Home Create Co., Ltd.

Sales of architectural hardware and materials for apartments and condominium

  • Oaska
    TEL:+81-6-6789-2321 / FAX:+81-6-6789-2391
  • Tokyo
    TEL:+81-3-5845-3870 / FAX:+81-3-5845-3871
  • Fukuoka
    TEL:+81-92-432-8284 / FAX:+81-92-432-8486

Shinyei Corp. of America

Shinyei Corp. of America

Handling of ball bearings, instruments & test equipment and other commercial materials within North America

  • New York
    TEL:+1-212-626-2676 / FAX:+1-212-704-4206
  • Mexico  

Shinyei Living Industry Co., Ltd.

Shinyei Living Industry Co., Ltd.

Real estate management and brokerage
Sales of insurance policies

  • Real Estate Division
    TEL:+81-78-392-6934 / FAX:+81-78-331-9624
  • Insurance Division TEL:+81-78-392-6902 / FAX:+81-78-332-6699